As per the literature the two different
strategies mentioned above are planned to employ at the same time.
Additionally, the prototype is also to be designed with intention for
evaluation of more conventional hydrogen storage materials like LaNi5
for its performance. Enhancing the thermal transfer of metal hydride beds
during hydrogen absorption/desorption cycles are expected to achieve by
incorporating additives to Mg based systems (improve thermal conductivity) and
including internal/external heating/cooling (heat exchangers) systems. Further,
stacking the powder bed for larger thickness is not recommended as it would
induce pressure difference and add one more barrier of hydrogen diffusion
through the stack to reach the bottom layer of the stack. Thus, to avoid this,
different powder-bed units with limited thickness is proposed. As the storage
tanks are intended to be use in portable applications, non-displacement of
powder bed is highly desirable and therefore the covered powder-bed units with
opening for hydrogen. This opening is secured with Ni-gasket to avoid escape of
powder through the opening. As heat
exchanger, the main gas and powder storing part is connected with axial and
outer heat exchange units.
of prototype tank.